Should I give up on this batch? Temp 104


12 Years
Jul 31, 2007
Hi all, I put 10 eggs in bator around 6 yesterday evening, I have had a hard time getting temp stable. I thought when I went to bed it was finally fixed, I woke up to 104 degrees. Do you think my eggs are now ruined? I went to bed at around 11:30 or midnight and it was 10 min to 6 am when I saw the 104. Not sure how long it was up. Are these eggs now hopeless?

Thanks, Jennifer
Are you using an LG incubator? Get a surge protector. That seems to help with temp spikes. Make sure you have it in an area that has a stable room temp. Flunctuating room temps cause spikes. Leave your eggs in the bator. Keep an eye on the temps. Wait until day 7 and candle them. You should see veins and movement. That is the only way to tell if the temp spike caused any damage. Good luck with your hatch.
They should be fine. It is hard to say how long the temp was that high so just try to get it where it should be and see what happens. Low temps are much less damaging than high so if you need to adjust the dial, make sure you err on the side to to cool. Hang in there!
It is a circulated air Hova-Bator. I am going to buy a new one soon. This one is not really too old but just don't think it is working like it should to keep my temps regulated. I will leave them in and candle them. These are my little boys turken eggs and he'll be satisfied if just 1 hatches,lol. He loves rubber neck chickens. I have them in my bed room, figured they would do good in here. Thanks for the advice and info, I hope I have a little luck with these. Oh yeah, this is a new hen, these are her first year eggs. They are pretty good size and she has been in with the rooster, she just didn't seem interested in sitting. I know some say they may not be as fertile when it is their first season laying. Thanks, Jennifer
Ok, I know I am going to sound totally stupid here, but , what is a wafer? I hatched 2 batches last summer and that covers my bator-hatching experience,lol. I am still new to this. I got this bator used from my dads friend, but he had only used it I think 2 times himself. He said he didn't have any luck with it. i did, my first hatch I got 23 healthy chicks out of 25 eggs in bator, my 2nd was way less but I had some power loss on a couple of occasions and had trouble with the bator not heating. So far since I fixed the temp back yesterday morning, it has been great. But after this batch comes out, I may see about changing the wafer if someone gives me the know how. I have had no humidity problems so far. Thanks for the help and advice.


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