Should I have a smaller nest box for my bantam hen??? Please help


10 Years
Oct 10, 2009

I have one bantam hen and rooster with all my regular chickens, BR, BO, RIR etc. She should be old enough to lay now and I want to know if I should have a smaller box just for her to lay in????? Thank you for any help or experiance.
She might like her own, smaller nest box and then again she might not even give a cluck about it. I have several bantam hens with my LF hens and everybody uses the same nests..... But I have different nest boxes in different coops, and there's some coop/nest box hopping going on. I do find that my banties prefer covered nest boxes, like the covered cat litter boxes.

Unless you want to go to the extra trouble because you like doing that, I wouldn't bother with it.
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As far as I know, it will not matter to her; I've never heard of different dimensions for bantam nest boxes.

Throw a couple of golf balls in there and get the frying pan ready!
Thank you so much for the input....... I was thinking maybe the larger hens were keeping her out of the nest but she roost with them so I guess they will not bother her while she nest. Thank you again

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