Should I have gotten a drake ? Even though I will not be raising ducklings. ?


Nov 16, 2015
Wapato, Washington USA
Now that I have 6 ducks and have chosen to not have a drake. The Ducks are humping on each other. I did not want all that sexual activity going on and now I have it any way. The Joke is one Me. Is the flock more complete if it has one drake in the group ? Will the drake make the ducks more broody ? I had passed up a beautiful Indian Runner drake when I got the ducks. Now I am questioning my decision. I had them 2 months as mature or almost mature ducks and 4 are laying. But now there is humping activity. I am only after eggs for the table.
The girls are just having fun. I have two drakes and in the spring my girls still do what we call "the dirty ducky dance". Sooo what I am saying is that adding a drake won't necessarily remove the behavior. All the reasons you chose not to have a drake are still as valid. I would say unless you have a reason to have a drake, get two more ducks instead
I think my drake does help out with the females he is the one who stands around like he is king while the girls throw themselves at his feet. And when the girls have disputes they run to Opie to settle them but most of the time he just stands there like he is king.
The other day though my old drakes female was running some of Opies girls around and Opie did step in and run her off to her part of the yard. Then he went back to standing around like the king.
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Yup a drake will definitely run things. But I think in the absence of a drake, the dominant duck will take the lead. When I just had my two girls, Tella made all the decisions and Ettie followed. Now Kaine rules over all.
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And sometimes it is just "carpooling"

ummmm ummmmmm ummmmm...........for the first time in my life I am speechless!

Back to the OP's question. I have only very recently added a drake to my flock, and I have NOT gone through a mating season yet, but I personally do feel that the addition of the drake has brought a little order to the flock. Also I am in love with the mumbling croaking noise they make.
Shame this is a family site otherwise I could think of a few things to say! :D

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