Should I keep a rooster?


9 Years
Jan 12, 2014
This spring we got 8 straight-run Rhode Island Red chicks and it is now obvious that we have 4 roosters and 4 hens. We paid more for our first chickens 2 years ago and got all hens, so this is our first experience with roosters. So far, they do not act any different than the hens. But, I'm trying to decide if I want to "maybe" keep one of them and am asking for advice from the experts in the group on the pros and cons of keeping a rooster. I do not plan to raise any chickens from eggs.
if you only keep 1 rooster then there shouldn't be any trouble but if you keep two they will fight.
I have one and they crow quite loud but he is good with my hens (15 isa browns and 5 sussexs.)
Also if you have one your hens go broody she will probably raise chicks. But if your really attached to a rooster I would keep it as long as you don't have neighboors. hope this helps
I love having roosters! No way can you keep all four, so spend time observing the boys, so you can pick out one or two to keep longer. I would be rigid about culling for any signs of human aggression, or any disability or lack of vigor. RIRs can be pretty tough customers so be careful. If you can, consider keeping your two best candidates for a few extra months to further evaluate them.. Mary
I would only keep ONE RIR rooster for your hens otherwise they will fight and work your hens to much.

They can be great protectors of your hens.
I have found the roosters to be more friendly then my hens.
They help manage your hens eg: break up fights, find food.
You get fertile eggs and then in turn more chickens!!!

If they are young they can grow up to be real nasty, attack you, beat up the hens.
They don't supply you with eggs.
You might have to feed them separate food as roosters don't really need calcium in layer food.
You have to trim their spurs.

They are the main pros and cons I can think of.
It will depend on the breed and the individual for how they turn out, either good or bad.
I agree with Mary. Observe your roosters before they start getting all their hormones (around 14-20 weeks). Choose 2 based on looks and behavior and keep them for a bit longer. Then when they start to get 'frisky' and all they male hormones kick in you will really be able to see who is the 'better' rooster

Also, yes RIR's are known for being big and can be pretty mean.

Have fun and Good luck.

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