Should I let two be Mommies?


13 Years
Aug 8, 2009
We have never hatched chicks from a broody before. We have one roo to 15 hens, but we have 3 Silkies that I have never seen him mate with. Right now I have a broody Salmon Faverolles (sp?) and a Silkie that are VERY broody. 3 days ago I let the Salmon Fav. sit on 6 eggs. The Silkie keeps fighting her for the nest, so today I let the Silkie sit on two eggs from today. Should I let them both be momies?? Or would that be too hard when they hatch? Also, is it too early to candle??? Thanks.
I'm no expert, but I let my two Buff Orps sit on eggs at the same time. Only 2 hatched out of four, so we had 2 chicks and 2 moms . They all ended up in one nest box, and those two chicks had 2 hens' worth of fluff to nestle under and I think every one forgot who belonged to whom. It all worked out wonderfully, and they were probably the most looked-after chicks in the history of the world. I've heard other, worse things about broody hens--fighting over eggs and chicks. Even one neighbor whose banty Wyandotte became depressed and seemed as though she died of a broken heart (she did, literally, die) when another hen stole her brood. Poor girl!

So, I think any answer you get, someone else is going to post saying it worked for them. I will say that both my hens were about 2 years old, and very calm BOs in a very calm, small flock. They were truly BFFs and did everything together.
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I think a broody hen will set on whatever you give her. The lady I got my chicken eggs from tried to give me duck, guineas, and something else to hatch. If you want babies, I say let them have some eggs.

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