Should I move them? Update and pics!

Update update update... Well, I checked them every hour last night and everything ran as smoothly as butter. If they even made a little peep I jumped up and scoped the whole bator with a flashlight. And I'm surprisingly not tired! lol. I just rearranged the LG in hopes of making it better, now I'm just waiting for the temp to get back up and the eggs can chillax and hatch in there. 4 eggs have pipped, and one is starting the slow zipping process. I'll get pics of the older ones soon, then I'll get some of these little guys when they hatch.

farm frenzy... it doesn't drop too much. This bator is just so sensitive.
Well here's the chicks that hatched yesterday. 2 1/2 of the 6 eggs from last night's fiasco have hatched. Yes, and 1/2. He's half out half in. lol.

There names are Gort, Klaatu, Barada, and Nikto... kudos to you if you know where those names came from.

This is Gort (the colored one) and Klaatu (the white one)

And here's the group.
Here's one of the chicks from the incubator fiasco. His name is Pickle and no you're eyes aren't deceiving you. He is purple. I dyed him because he's from a different cross and I needed to know who his father was. So I diluted some food coloring and dripped it on him, rubbed it in, and walla, a purple chick.
He's a pistol.


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