Should I ONLY watch my water wiggler temp?


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
Ok, I finally got my homemade incubator (MissPrissy's model) somewhat stabilized. My temps are still fluctuating pretty bad, but I made a homemade water wiggler, and it seems to be holding steady.
: Should the temp of the water wiggler be my main concern? I've got my humidity relatively steady as well. As long as my incubator temp doesn't go over 103 or under 96, am I safe to stop fretting so much over the fluctuation? This thing has really gotten me frustrated
barnie.gif much so, that last night I ordered a Hovabator...should get it Friday. But I REALLY want to make this one work! I'm just not a quitter.
Personally I watch the water wiggler temp myself... and you are correct on your temps, but try not to let it go below 97... I know it is a little difficult especially with when the light goes out, but dont worry about that. The most important is do not let the temp of the water wiggler get above 102.

If you do not want the temps fluctuating so much you can always attach the the thermostat to a metal box. That is what we have done... I will see if I can find a picture and post it so that you can see it. My husband used a metal electrical box that we bought at lowes.

Good luck on your hatching... I'm on my 6th hatch now for the summer waiting for the pips... on day 21 now. I made one of those igloo bators.. it seems to work fairly well.
please post a pic and explain why this works. I just finished building my hatcher yesterday and the temps are swinging a lot. It's getting close, but would like to have it be more sensitive.
Oh and how did you make your homemade water wiggler?
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IMO the wiggler temp is the most important, especially in a home made or
styro bator that vary temps with time and location.

Once you know that a wiggler is 99.5 and say your egg top level is 100.6 (example)
than either one of those temps will tell you you're ok.

If the wiggler temp is varying but more than 1/2 a degree something is wrong.
Air temps can vary by 4 degrees due to airflow and heat being radiated by a
heating element that is on or off.
From other posts I've read, I'm not the only one about to pull my hair out over this!
I'm just thankful I have a reliable older Brower model that is almost effortless to get set. I plugged it in last night, and by this morning, all the readings were right on the money. No fussing, no crying, no worry!
I just hope the Hovabator I bought last night is easy to get going. I've got silkie and buff orp eggs arriving tomorrow, and delaware eggs coming Friday...I need these bators working!
If nothing else, I'll start all the eggs in the Brower until I can get one of the other 2 working properly. Everyone please keep me in their prayers!
Okay all, I have posted the pics and explanation of the electrical box... its long, had DH expalin LOL... you can find it under "Our Igloo Bator" in the incubating section... I would have done it here, but did not want to take away from Shelleys post. Take care all, and please remember that it does take 48 to 72 hours for a bator to regulate it's tempature, especially when it is brand new and you are hooking it up for the first time. With ours, we have had really good success rates... Good Luck to all in hatching and have fun... I still love it!!!

needmorechickens! :

please post a pic and explain why this works. I just finished building my hatcher yesterday and the temps are swinging a lot. It's getting close, but would like to have it be more sensitive.
Oh and how did you make your homemade water wiggler?

Homemade wiggler is easy.

Take a small ziplock bag. Half fill it with water and fold in half when sealed.

Put thermometer or probe in the middle.​

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