Should I refill my feeder if there is a bunch of feed on the brooder floor?


Jul 16, 2020
We made our chicks a gravity feeder and the chicks loooooooove to spread the feed all over the floor. I just checked in on the chicks and I saw the gravity feeder is already empty after just a couple of hours. However, there is a TON of feed on the brooder floor all around the feeder. Should I refill the feeder again or will the chicks just eat the feed off the floor when they get hungry? I don't want them to starve 😭
they will eat
We made our chicks a gravity feeder and the chicks loooooooove to spread the feed all over the floor. I just checked in on the chicks and I saw the gravity feeder is already empty after just a couple of hours. However, there is a TON of feed on the brooder floor all around the feeder. Should I refill the feeder again or will the chicks just eat the feed off the floor when they get hungry? I don't want them to starve 😭
it off the ground but once it looks moldy or wet i would fill the feeder back up
At this particular moment I have the regular feeder pulled out of the brooder/coop because my 4 and 6 week old girls keep dumping it. I'm making them clean up and trying to get them to use the no-waste feeder.

I'll put it back in a couple hours.

Of course this is based on the fact that the chick crumble is merely spilled onto the base the feeder sits in and into the bedding, not on actual ground where it would get wet and spoil.

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