Should i rehome two of my roosters?

I say keep um............ my neighbors have wolves that howel unbelieveably loud.the other breeds dogs.......sometimes I cannot even hear my roosters ! I have 5 acres also and neighbors are both on outer edge........... let them complain.............then I far none of us can complain...........HEY its the country for petes sake !
thanks for all the opinions guys...we are keeping our roos for now and we will see how it goes...i really like them so i hope they behave and dont P*** off the neighbourhood too bad. We have a SS hamburg, salmon fav and RIR roo.
Ok,i am in the same boat but my neighbors are my inlaws,lol....when i went about getting chickens after i bought the property my mother inlaw insisted that"i dont get chixns cuz they stink and are alot of work!"So after the discussion i went out and bought my BRockaDoodaDooer!lol.........What ever makes you and the little one happy is all that will ever matter in your world.

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