Should I remove my rooster?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Kuna, Idaho
My hen is sitting on a dozen or so eggs. She's been in with her hubby for three weeks. Should I remove the roo or leave them be?
I'm a lillte fearful that if I take him out, she may stop her setting, but I don't know what he may do to the chicks...
Once the chicks hatch, he needs to go out. He will more than likely kill them.

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The roo's presence has nothing to do with the hen brooding. He'd be more likely to be a disturbance, but look at your own individual roo. Does he seem to be bugging her, ignoring her, trying to mate her, or standing guard?

Some roos will kill chicks, others will protect them, most will ignore them. But even the ones who ignore them sometimes kill or injure them inadvertently, if they are chasing hens or other roos around. They just run over anything in the way, totally focused on whatever they're after.

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