Should I separate Momma and babies?

I have always just let chickens be chickens and not treated them like dogs and cats but to each their own. And I would definitely not take the chicks away from their mom.
Thank you all for the advice! My kids are 6, 12, 14 and they do respect the decision we have made. Hope for the best with the chicks!
I understand the sentiment and goal here, but I cannot get on board with separating a broody momma and chicks for no true reason. It’s similar to asking if you can take newborn puppies away from their mom to bottle feed and get friendlier puppies. It would only cause stress and leans toward inappropriate animal husbandry.
I have a question about this to im hacthching 3 eggs we have a rooster and one of my hen have gone broody and I allowed her to have 7 eggs and I'm giving the chicks away and I won't to give it to them young and still fluffy but I don't wont her to thank she did not do good and want more. She is a New Hampshire red. And do I need to take her away from the other chickens? So should I take them away at least give her 24 hours with her.
You should start your own post instead of tagging on to someone elses.

Regardless of that, to the both of you.
Taking a broodys chicks away is cruel. Sure they belong to you and you can certainly do as you please.
As said by many of us in this thread, we are not on board with these practices.
Chicks are healthier when raised by a broody. They have 24/7 heat and care. Most broodies will fight to the death for their chicks. A trait that some say is cold instinct but I say looks like unconditional Love to me.
To say hand raising will result in better pets is unwise. Your children will likely over handle them at first or with time loose interest compleatly. Neither of these will be pleasant for the chicks.
Watching a hen as she teaches her babies to come when she calls them, showing them how to eat and drink, deminstrating to them how to take their first dust bath...these are the things your kids should watch. How she will gather them under her wings to keep them safe and warm.
If your goal is to have your kids learn the values of animals and how to practice good animal husbandry. First lesson Respect and Care for them.
Even when it is inconvenient.
This is my girl Jade with her chicks.
@Caseybear09 I agree with the above post. It’s cruel to take the chicks away from a hen. Before you do anything, be sure to read everything they said. :goodpost:

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