Should I switch from starter feed?


Jun 3, 2020
Edit: I liked closer at the bag and saw that it is starter/grower so it looks like I'll just stay on this.
My chick starter feed has 18% protein. They are almost 5 weeks old. Should I switch to a grower feed or can they continue eating starter for another month? I'm almost out and don't want to buy another huge bag of starter if it's not appropriate, even though they are eating at an astronomical rate.
Also, can I suddenly switch brands without causing issues? Do I need to blend them for a few days?
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My chick starter feed has 18% protein. They are almost 5 weeks old. Should I switch to a grower feed or can they continue eating starter for another month?
I've never fed my Chicks or Pullets less than 18% Starter feed.
I'm on my third batch of chicks, 6 weeks old tomorrow. They are on a Medicated Start and Grow 18% and will be for at least 10 weeks, then switched to a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower 18% or a All-Flock Crumble 20%.

I have two different Chick feeds that I buy. Both are 18%, and instructions on the tags say to feed at least 16 weeks.

If you switch to a feed with a different consistency, crumbles to pellets or more than a 2% change in Protein, then mix 50/50 for a week or two. GC

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