Should I take chicks from mama hen


9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Its my first time having chicks. My hen went broody, and I didn't know what she was doing. The other hens were laying in the same nest for about 5 days till I seperated the broody hen in an inclosure about 2' x 4'. Her nest is about a foot deep in a crate. I heard PEEP PEEP yesterday and I don't know if I should take the chick or chicks out and wait for the others to hatch?? I don't know if they could even climb out if she even got out of the crate nest. Should I just raise them inside? I don't know what to do, PLEASE HELP!! Thank you:)
Just leave them. Mother nature knew what she was doing when she made hens. They will be JUST FINE. sit on your hands and WHATEVER YOU DO, dont take them away. get some food and water out there, and enjoy the show!
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