Should i try out for soccer?

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12 Years
Jan 20, 2011
Delavan, Wi
All of my friends want me to try out for soccer, but i have never played before or been in any sports. Oh and im in 12th grade. Should i do it?
Its really fun. I love it. And I'm sure you will too. But its up to you.
No. Unless you have a natural god given talent then it will be pointless. But I don't know the size of your school or the competitiveness of your athletes.
If you are a runner and in good physical condition - go for it. It can be physically taxing. I have 5 grand children who play soccer - it's fun but it is work.
I'd say yes. I signed up for soccer purely because the school forces us all to be involved in at least one sport, and that seemed to be the one that needed the least actual skill.

I usually have fun - I was placed in the bottom team with my friends, and most matches/training days are basically a time to catch up and let off some steam.
Oh Matthew. Always having something negative to say.
Soccer isn't necessarily my sport, but you should try it if you want to.
If your friends are urging you, I suspect they think you will be good at it. It will be hard to pick up the finer points of the game right away, but kicking a ball around is always good for letting off steam.
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