Should I try to hatch old eggs (final results)

chicks for better health

11 Years
May 4, 2008
West Glenville, NY
I have been collecting eggs since 2/20/09 to put in my incubator. Several things have held me up from getting them in there including a slow PO on some eggs that I had purchased.

The oldest eggs were laid 2/20/09 and the newest today. Should I try the older eggs or is there to much risk of disease or poor quality chicks?
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Any eggs over one week start to lose viability very quickly - especially conditional based on the storage, including temperature.

Personally, I would not waste valuable time on eggs laid on Feb 20th. In my humble opinion, they are dead - not going to hatch.
But on the other hand there are those on this forum that have hatched supermarket eggs, and there's no way those were fresh
If you have room in the bator, by all means put them in whats the worst thing that can happen?? They dont develope, and you end up throwing them out. Best thing that can happen is that at least some develope. As long as they have been stored properly, give them a shot.. Who knows, you may be thinking about passing on the next show winner, just because its old.
You have nothing to loose by trying to hatch them. Theya re not so old that they will put anything newer at risk. Go for it

Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
I've always heard they don't lose viablity until two weeks. I think you're waaaaaay fine. Even after two weeks, the viability slowly decreases. Hens lay numerous amounts of eggs before gowing broody. I think it's natural to hatch an egg two weeks old

I wouldn't ship eggs that old because added shipping stress would further decrease hatchability but I think they'll be ok.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
If you have the incubator room, put them in you'll know in 8 days what you have. Keep us posted on how they do.
Best of luck on your hatch.
I REALLY hope that's a typo on the year! Yikes!

Go for it, just do the sniff test when you candle. Good luck!

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