Should I use Mareks vaccine...


life in the yard
9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
stamford, ct
on chicks I hatch at home? I'm planning my first hatch for January. I ordered a dozen chicks last spring from MPC and had them vaccinated for Mareks. I'd like to hatch some heritage birds, and I'm not sure what I should be doing as far as vaccinating them. Should I? Where do I order the vaccine? Any information or advice is appreciated.
Well.. you are going to get a full range of answers. It really depends on two things, how many you are hatching, and do you live in an area that Mareks thrives?

The issue with the amount, is that it comes in like a 1000 dose size. You will have to mix the components to be able to use, and it has a VERY short shelf life. Once mixed it cannot be stored.
I'm only planning on hatching a dozen or so eggs. (and who knows what if any success I'll have with those) Do you know whether it will be a problem to mix new, unvaccinated chicks with my vaccinated flock?
I am not going to suggest which way to go but if you do change your mind about vaccinating them, you can buy the vaccine at Jeffers (here's a link ). It is 1000 doses and it doesn't have a long shelf life but it is only just under $15. You can buy the syringes and needles there too. BTW I am in the same situation and pondering the same question. I haven't made up my mind yet either but I will have to soon since mine are due to hatch on New Year's Day.
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Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. So much to learn.
Really, unless you know you have it on your property or in the area, I wouldn't worry about it. Call your local AG extension office and ask them if they have any cases of it around. I know the vax is only $15, but it is for 1000 chicks, and if you are only hatching a dozen, that is A LOT going to waste.
I vaccinated my chicks, 2 chicks in May and 2 in July that were hatched by my 2 broody hens.

I had 2, maybe 3 chickens die from Mareks. It was heartbreaking to watch. I felt so helpless, especially since I didn't know what it was at the time.
So it was well worth it to me to vaccinate...and will each time my hens decide they want to hatch some babies.

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