should my new chicks b acive

Can you post a photo of the brooder and the chick?
Does it try to get up at all?
I think newspaper was said to be kinda slippery for chicks, i never use it but mabe someone here can say if this is true or not.

How long have you been using this incubator?is it a Styrofoam one?

I agree, newspaper is too slippery for the first few days, no traction. I really prefer old hand towels or wash cloths for the first 3 days until they are up and walking well, then I switch to paper towels until they are about 1.5 weeks, then I will move them to a bigger pen with newspaper, but only if everyone is surefooted and no signs of spraddle legs.
I need help again. Last time my chick died about 12 hrs after it hatched. I just hatched another one and it isn't very active. It is about 14 hrs old. It is making noise but not walking around. Any help u could give would b great
Krystala, what I have found successful in hatching eggs is that after the chicks hatch, I put them in a brooder for a couple of days to keep them warm and to let them recover from hatching.
If you don't have a brooder, a ten gallon aquarium with a screen and light (around 60w) on one side works well also.
switched newspaper for a towel. It still isn't really standing up or moving around. It just seems very sleepy. The incubator ws Styrofoam and the umbilicus was still attached but fell off on its own in the incubator. I did not assist it out of the egg. It was a very quick hatch. About 7 hrs
So from what im reading it will take it a few days to get up an walk around?

It gets up for a second then goes back down n sleep

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