show me any colour of a sex-link


7 Years
Sep 9, 2012
I have heard of many different colours of sex-link chickens and i am sure i have seen one but didnt know it. can someone post a picture of one?
This is a gold sex link. The amount of white will vary. Red sex links are similar, but a bit darker red. Black sex links will be black with gold feather on the neck. They are calm and excellent layers. Check out the breeds section at the top of the home page.

Wow! i ddnt know that! I bet i could breed one if i get a light sussex. can you send me a picture of a light sussex? I already have a RIR.
I love her neck! Oh my GOSH! I just realized my favourite chicken when i was little was a sex link. I always thought she was a RIR or a red star! This is so cool!!!
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A red star is a sex link. Different hatcheries call them by different names: comets, stars, cinnamon queen...

The idea of a sex link is to breed two particular colored adults so that the resulting offspring can be sexed immediately after hatching based on color. In the case of gold sex links, the males will be yellow and the females more golden, especially on the head. There are many breeds you can use to make sex links, but you have to be specific on which color is roo and which is hen. In chickens, it is the female that carries the shorter sex chromosome, meaning that the genes determining the sex come from the mothers. Also, since sex links are hybrids, if you try to breed them together, you will not get more sex links. It only works for first generations.

I looked on various hatchery websites, and on several sites they explained what breeds of chicken they used to make their sex links.

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