Show me your blue eggs!


Those same blue laying pullet eggs are here, in this basket:
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My bluest egg layer came from an Easter Egger, in fact I got some of her eggs mixed up with my Ameraucana eggs in a "sale" I made to a buyer and when the chicks came out looking like something other than Ameraucana, the buyer wasn't too happy. I now keep my EEs separate from my Ameraucanas.

Here is a little MFC that I hatched on New Years with a blue egg next to it.


A few blues, mixed in with my Marans, A Dellie egg and a Leghorn egg for contrast.



And here is Geoffry, my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana roo that I purchased from Jean, (Pips & Peeps) he has consistently produced some wonderful w/bw pullets that lay a gorgeous blue.

I can see I need to update the Blue Egg Chart with the newer pics!
How about the rest of you? Any one else have blue eggs to contribute?
Please let us know where they came from: EE, Ameraucana, Araucana.

I'll try to update the Blue Egg 'Chart' we are making together.
Here are some of the eggs I get from my araucana girls.


The darkest one is from my blue araucana hen. I can't wait to see what her girls lay.


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