Show me your dogs!

We had a Golden Retarded/Yellow Labratard for 11 years. Great disposition, not a negative attribute to her but also not a thought in that pretty little head of hers either. She was literally a giant dog-shaped throw pillow; I could pick her up, put her on the couch, arrange her so I could use her as a warm backrest and read half a novel before she'd grumble.
She had been running, but changed to a walk when she saw the dog.

She's going to be okay.

Dog had a history of aggressive behavior and should not have been running loose - no rabies shot.
Im glad she is going to be ok. There are multiple dogs in my town that don't have rabies shots. Im scared of one attacking my dog, especially the pits a few houses down(no rabies, no vaccines for all i know and they attacked a dog during July, everyone on the street knows when they get out to go inside).
Im glad she is going to be ok. There are multiple dogs in my town that don't have rabies shots. Im scared of one attacking my dog, especially the pits a few houses down(no rabies, no vaccines for all i know and they attacked a dog during July, everyone on the street knows when they get out to go inside).
It’s irresponsible people like that who give dogs a bad reputation. That’s sad.
She was immediately taken to a trauma center and is going to be physically okay. She is a runner, and is having psychological problems about returning to running. She's from tough stock and will be okay.
Oh my goodness Sour, I’m glad she’s physically ok! I hope she can get past the fear and return to running.

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