Show me your quail pens!!!

those are really nice breeder cages, think you could find it in your heart to throw a couple more pics up to help an amateur out?
This is more like a flight than a pen but it works for me. Right now it has hay spread out all over the ground because of the weather. It's 8'x8'x8'. It was a grow out pen for some pheasants but I can't leave anything empty.


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Is that hardware cloth over chickenwire? I may be getting bobwhites and was thinking of doing one of those wire-bottomed, southern exposed, partly sheltered, raised pens. Anyone ever have predator issues with the half inch hardware cloth?
Yes it is hardware cloth over chicken wire. We have 'coons, hawks and feral cats around here and even though I have not had any problem with them going after my birds for the last couple of years, I wanted to make sure that the quail could not poke their heads threw the chicken wire and get them pulled off. I have never tried the half inch mesh so I can not give you any ideas on that. I only use the quarter inch (because I can never find the half inch).
1/2 inche hardware cloth is good but nor predator proof
It depends on how high your pen is off the ground
Critters can grab at the birds if they can reach them causing at the least foot injuries
CARS not sure if you saw my post but would love to know how big your pens are.

we have green but we are in oz.
it is to green i need to mow more then once a week.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to mow lawn right now. They are predicting freezing rain right around noon (CST), followed by snow flurries later this afternoon.....

My pens. Without going out to measure them, are approx. 16" square. There is one that I used for juvenile bird that is 16"x30"x16". The back of the cage is only about 14" tall v/s the roll out end is 16" tall.

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