Show me your red coops!

my barn red stained coop


Well, it's not exactly a coop, but it's where the chickens live, and it's red...





They have a small area partitioned off in the lower part of the barn. There's still room in there for a herd of cows, a team of horses, a few sheep and a bazillion more birds, plus all the farm equipment on the main floor and a year's worth of hay in the loft...but so far I haven't convinced DH of that.
Thanks -- I wish I could take some credit but it's been there for 100+ years.
The woman who lived here before us had a small poultry business so the barn was already chock full of nestboxes, roosts, and feeders that had been sitting unused for 20 years. We just cleaned things up, sectioned it off, dumped some pine chips and added the pullets. We couldn't have asked for a nicer setup!

The best part is that we have a lot of seasonal neighbors, people who have cabins on the road that have been in their families for years, who maybe visit for just a few weekends in the's neat when people stop to buy eggs and they tell us that they can remember their parents bringing them to buy eggs from Mrs. W when THEY were kids!

So to the OP, I have to say that I'm pretty partial to a traditional red barn color.

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