Show off your 2011 Turkey Poults

I think we have had a few hatches from others. They may not have seen this post. Thank you for reviving it. I also had one to hatch 2 days ago. I will try to post mine. Would love to see other's poults.
(sigh...) My turkeys are just starting to lay. Most of the eggs are ending up in their muddy pen, half submerged. I want to get the turkeys out of there, but the other building collapsed under the snow last January. I want poults!!!
These little guys have been hatching since yesterday. There ar a few more to go in this tray and the other trays are still hatching. They are RP and St bronze. They are saying, "let me out!" I have about 80 to hatch next week! The good news is that I am selling them as fast as they hatch.

Awwwwwwwww, I love it. SOoooooooooo many!!!
I want all of them!!!

So glad that you are selling them all. Thanks for sharing pics. Please take more pics when you can and post. I love seeing poult pics.

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