Show off your Black Australorp

My black australorp rooster.
A question about the BA's.

We have 28 pullets with one roo, and the 3 BA's we have are losing feathers on their backs much more than any of the other chickens we have.

I know it's from the rooster treading, but I just wonder why these three are having more of a problem. I thought that with so many girls and one roo we wouldn't have this issue. Do the BA's have lighter feathers? I know they are very fluffy, but so are the Silver Laced Wyandottes. They aren't having this problem.

I'm going to order some hen saddles for the BA's because I think they may start having a problem because of the bare skin...
When I had my old Black Australorp rooster I had the same problem! Every rooster has his favorite hens, which sometimes have ragged feathers on their back and head. There is nothing to worry to much about, but if the hens have more than light feather loss I would buy the afflicted ones a saddle.
When I had my old Black Australorp rooster I had the same problem! Every rooster has his favorite hens, which sometimes have ragged feathers on their back and head. There is nothing to worry to much about, but if the hens have more than light feather loss I would buy the afflicted ones a saddle.
Yeah, these three have some serious feather loss on their backs. I'm going to get some cover for them. Two of them even show some scabs on their sides where the spurs or nails are causing damage. I didn't think this would be an issue with him having so many girls. That's why I wondered if the BA's had feathers that were more susceptible to damage than other breeds. Maybe he just likes them better.
The Black Australorp is a wonderful breed of the chickens! As a matter of fact, this is the one breed we have decided to keep and raise as pure blood in our backyard. Here is our proud rooster; we call him Midnight. He is eight months here.

Originally Posted by TNSS11

The Black Australorp is a wonderful breed of the chickens! As a matter of fact, this is the one breed we have decided to keep and raise as pure blood in our backyard. Here is our proud rooster; we call him Midnight. He is eight months here.
Gorgeous! We love our three BA girls, and I wouldn't mind having a roo of that breed even though we already have two roos and have 8 eggs under a broody right now that will probably produce a few more. :)
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These are my Roos. Archer and Raptor. Lol. They are 10 month old babies. The white spot is a glare, he has no white on him. The others are other Roos in the yard. We like them, much more gentle then those Rhode Island red roosters! And growing bigger and bigger.

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