Show off your Black Australorp

I paid $20.00 for each of mine from a breeder and they were three months old if that helps any.

It does, thank you. She was a feed store day-old, so probably a hatchery chick, but she's so BIG and beautiful and very well cared for. ;) Would that affect asking price much?
Thelma - 8 months old

My Ebony, Not sure how many months she is but I was told she was from this springs hatching.. Has not laid any eggs so far that I know of and I started thinking maybe she was a he but upon looking at all the threads I think she is a she still LOL.. wonder when and what color she will lay, I rescued her in May of this year.


the top pic is our new blue Aussie roo mr. Blue the roo sorry he is

molting & our newest Aussie splash roo named Ghost , but sadly they both are molting, so are not in show quality just now : )
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