Show off your Coops!

Everybody's coops look great. Hey Cat1994 I hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal a lot of ideas from yours. I've been trying to decide how to build my duck coop to upgrade them from a doghouse in their run (sometimes messy to get to and a pain for egg collecting) and I REALLY like a lot of features of yours (especially the way you've got a low wall you can just reach over and get to everything on the duck side, while still having storage. It's an excellent use of space. I also like the idea of the wire under the food/water for ease of cleaning, with the straw on the other side for comfort. The only thing different I'll have to do here is solid walls (with windows) on the storage side since that faces the prevailing winds. Thanks for the wonderful ideas!
I just bought my house about 6 months ago and there is a big (12x20) metal shed out back. Well it was just too tempting. I built a wall inside the shed to make a 12x15 coop and still leave me 5' up front to store feed and stuff like that. Then i put a 5x20 run up made out of a 5x10 dog kennell. I just bolted it together different and used the shed as a wall so i got 5x20. Anyway nothing real creative but i like it. i did end up putting chicken wire on top of the run to keep chickens in and hawks out


Started out with this little coop

And this is now

It is attached to the back of our pole barn, which helped with only having to build 3 walls instead of 4
It faces the south so it gets plenty of sun in the winter, and all the windows and pop doors there is plenty of ventilation.
With the added skylights, we have more than adequate natural lighting.

The floor is contractors sand, which is very easy to clean in the mornings. It only takes me about 10 minutes to clean 3 poop boards and scoop the floor.

One of the roosts with a poop system that is working out really nice. Just scoop like a kitty litter box.
My stationary coop is actually my first ever mobile one that I grossly overbuilt so I put a concrete block foundation under it and built the hen yard around it.


It'll roost about fifty birds or thereabouts. The nest boxes are on the other side of the yard facing it. The triangular thing is a feeder shelter. The overhead wire keeps the raptors and crows out. The wood cabinet looking thing outside by the gate contains the fence charger and battery and has room for feed storage as well. The battered looking white structure facing the camera isn't here any longer. The white stuff on the ground was my experiment in using shredded paper. Didn't work well in that it decomposed too fast once it got wet.

These are mostly what I use now.


Each one holds ten to twelve birds and are moved daily. Entirely self-contained with nest boxes, roosts, water, and feeders inside.

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