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Don't get drawn into his post he's like the trapping colonel Sanders.
I’m just letting you know now before you ask. I will not give out my secret possum lure and bait recipe. Took me years to fine tune what’s been working for me lately.

I get it... don’t want the competition getting turned on to your secret sauce.

I’m thinking of using a combo of ground up Japanese beetles, glitter, and captain crunch...heard that combo was developed by an expert that works for the university not too far away from me.... supposed to bring in grinners far and wide.;)
I get it... don’t want the competition getting turned on to your secret sauce.

I’m thinking of using a combo of ground up Japanese beetles, glitter, and captain crunch...heard that combo was developed by an expert that works for the university not too far away from me.... supposed to bring in grinners far and wide.;)
Glad you understand. Now that’s the kind of “out of the box thinking” I can get behind! The trick is to keep experimenting to see what produces. I wanna say I’ve seen that recipe listed somewhere before.
Little tip: from Nov- Dec use Christmas crunch. You’ll be happy with the results.
... from Nov- Dec use Christmas crunch. You’ll be happy with the results.

Maybe, most times in December I just bait my sets with snow. :hmm

University Uhmm sounds like the fairy tale of the ginger bread man.

no no, the experts ran it past the young folks at the university, and these kids said it all checks out... they got A's in the class and everything... but maybe I'll send them an email and suggest they add ginger bread men to the recipe if you think it'd be good too? ;)

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