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Fabio is a very nicely conformed roo. Hes hatch right ? I see alot of him in the grey stag you lost.
Yeah he is a hatch... He is the great grandson of my orginial stock. Mostly Leiper Hatch but has Green Leg Hatch and Grey bloodlines in him as well. Basically an American Game Mutt.

He is my idea of near perfect rooster. He is big, strong, fast, and active. Great survivor, but the only thing I want to imporve is his feathering. He is in a molt like 6 months out of the year and looks very ugly. Sometimes when he comes back from molting half of his hackle feathers are solid black color... and then he looses the black feathers and comes back with normal colored hackles..... My spanish games almost never molt and when they do, they still look great.

Is molting a genetic trait or can you control when and how much is molted using other methods? Any info would be helpful

Indo toppie looking good. Excuse the poor quality photo

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