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Looks good! Interesting cross
Thanks troyer, I used to put a teaspoon or so of bleach in my waterers back when legal and I had actual waterers but now using gallon jugs I replace them every few mo. Or so so I don't worry about it anymore. When they start getting worn out is about the time they getting slimy
I reuse mine all I do is take one of those Brillo pads and clean then store it until I need and then re-clean it again. But I use protein jugs and when they break I throw them in a burn pile and they stay until we burn it.
Correct so compressed version, had games till may 1995 had bad flood lost about 100-150 lil ones along with a ton of ornamental pheasants got utterly disgusted and sold what was left. That time I had real waterers. Decided to get some games a few yrs ago as workplace stress therapy ( for raising and the love of gamefowl only! ) and now I just use gallon jugs. Faster and more efficient than red bottom waterers for me cause I don't have quite the available time everyday like I did back in the day.
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