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I like them to be able properly court / cut a wing without hen being inclined to fight back. Otherwise stag too young and may get into trouble in pen if hen does decide to be boss. It is difficult to jusstify breeding two young birds together unless just wanting number like starting from a trio, then ok.
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I am new to this site and have been looking for coop/pen/tethering setups for Games. Is there a thread already established or somewhere I can look to get ideas?
What can I give my roo if they have the flu or running nose. They offered me one I didn't know he was sick, I now I should not put them with others which I haven't.
I would get rid of him one sick bird has the potential to wipe out a flock in the right conditions. If not quarantine him as far away as possible.
I am new to this site and have been looking for coop/pen/tethering setups for Games. Is there a thread already established or somewhere I can look to get ideas?
I don't to cords cause they are sitting ducks for predators 6x10 breed pens and 4x5 hoop pens for singles
I don't to cords cause they are sitting ducks for predators 6x10 breed pens and 4x5 hoop pens for singles
Cords are the way to go if you have enough ground and have predators under control. Control likely will mean dogs and a fence. Perimeter fence, possibly with a hot wire or two strongly advised. Delay putting birds on cords until good dogs in places. Fencinging with constant trapping or other predator control measures can be used as well but I suggest keeping lesser value birds around perimeter so they are taken first by probing predators.
What can I give my roo if they have the flu or running nose. They offered me one I didn't know he was sick, I now I should not put them with others which I haven't.
look up chronic respiratory disease on BYC or google (look up mycoplasma gallisepticum, but there are other diseases too):
diagnosis charts at bottom

I hope this helps...chickens don't get colds they get diseases and mycoplasma can spread from hen to chick through the egg, so it is particularly nasty to have in a flock. Of course there are tests to determine what the disease is, but that would involve either a vet for a blood test or putting the chicken down for necropsy and call your state vet first (or county extension agent).

Occasionally there is mention of worms causing gurgling and such but with a draining nose I would be suspicious of CRD.

If you choose to treat instead of culling, look up Tylan and Denaguard on BYC...I have read people talking about those. However, if it is a respiratory disease, it will be highly contagious to the rest of the flock. I would put the chicken down personally.
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What can I give my roo if they have the flu or running nose. They offered me one I didn't know he was sick, I now I should not put them with others which I haven't.
Follow the above post and kill the chicken. Also, please call the chicken by it's proper name: cock or even rooster. Many of us find the word you used highly offensive. This is not teasing or mocking. Instead, I am simply making a request.

Now for some advice. No chicken keeper in the United States should ever mention flu and chickens in the same breath. First of all because it is most likely not influenza. Secondly, these boards are monitored, if you'd like the State Vets office sweeping down on your place with the Sheriff in tow then just hint that you have chickens with the flu. I can promise you that some lurker will be making a phone call.

Best of luck with your flock.
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