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Sharing a few of my Large Fowl Old English Game

Standard Crele Old English Game (Large Fowl)

Standard Black Old English Game (Large Fowl)
Crazy legs my modern followed me into wildman the jfx's pen at feeding time last night after catching wildman making googoo eyes at his malay hen through the wire lol he just walking up to him like hey that's my lady feller! And started to attempt a beating with all the heart his little body could muster but wildman just ninja like dodged and ducked his every attempt at a hit with ease, never taking his eye off of his attacker. I was really taken by wildmans ability to duck so low and fast to be facing where crazy legs was going to land almost spider like reflexes! I stopped it as soon as wildman started throwing blows because his spurs are needle sharp
To the ones that have farms that they do not live at. I have a new found respect for you. I'm having a new home built and my old mobile home Is being demolished so I have to stay with family about 30mins away and I sure do miss being able to just go outside to tend to birds now it's an hour ride total everyday after work and a couple houes there so yeah to the ones that house their birds other than where they live y'all got my respect

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