Show off your house ducks!

AAHH! Like you couldn't get kewler! Donnie Yen:IP Man series. Check it out, babe!

YAAAAAAAAAAAS *searches youtube furiously* Have you seen the 5 Deadly Venoms at all? Or how about the 36th Chamber of Shaolin? Those are my favorites! There's an old Jackie Chan one that I adore, there's a scene in it where he's tired from the fight and asks for a drink but the bumbling idiot sidekick gives him water from his bong instead. I wish I could remember what it was called, it's friggin' hilarious <3

How's life with you and lil' Dandy?
Sometimes I wish I'd gotten a Peke so I could walk 'em like a dog. Wobbles is leash trained, but he's so teeny that he's always at risk of being stepped on if I take him into public!
Even ChaCha gets stepped on =( and she's a fatty lol
aw, Poor Rogue. Running away from ChaCha like that. She is a big duck girl but so sweet. Looks like she's sleeping there. Snoopy is adorable.
Aw thanks! He's a little jerk, but he's too cute so he gets away with it lol
Is it against the law to leash kids?
Pffft haven't you seen those people at theme parks? You can totally leash a child!
Get a T-Shirt:

Duck on Leash

If you, your kid or pet
should harm him
I will have to remove
your heart to replace
the one you broke.


Maybe not...
(Too many late night martial arts movies)
Ha! YES!:gig
DUDE late night martial arts movies? I LOVE kung fu and if you have any recommendations please send 'em my way, Gent! As for Fowloween, between several surgeries coming up and a wedding, I'm trying to figure out if have time to make Bean's dino costume or Wobs' sushi diaper, LOL!
Good luck with your surgeries! That's always a scary venture. If you run out of time, you should ask Jennifer at Feathered Fashions - her dino costume is ADORABLE. I tried it once in pink dragon variation. Too cute.
You mean the one with the tiny built in T-rex arms? It's SO DANG CUTE!!! Bean's is probably just gonna be a cape add-on to her diaper with cloth spikes going down the back. I think she'd fixate on trying to rip the lil' arms right off :p

Help me out, how exactly does Fowloween work? I know we're supposed to submit photos, but since it's a scavenger hunt isn't there some sort of list that we're supposed to take inspiration from?
YAAAAAAAAAAAS *searches youtube furiously* Have you seen the 5 Deadly Venoms at all? Or how about the 36th Chamber of Shaolin? Those are my favorites! There's an old Jackie Chan one that I adore, there's a scene in it where he's tired from the fight and asks for a drink but the bumbling idiot sidekick gives him water from his bong instead. I wish I could remember what it was called, it's friggin' hilarious <3

How's life with you and lil' Dandy?
5 Venoms loooong time ago, that's one I should rewatch here soon & Shaolin is gold! I'm wondering if it's Drunken Master because that seems like it would be
love that movie. I have it but I'll have to rewatch it for a bong scene.

She's doing well. I was a little worried her wing was twisted & she was going to look like she was hitch hiking so I did the vet wrap for two days & it was not really tight but I took it off because the wing tip was starting to look puffy & I freaked out that I broke the new duck.

She's fine but it took me a day to relax.

I find I'm trying to get her to do the tricks Daisy could do but she's not into trying tricks yet I guess.
Pffft haven't you seen those people at theme parks? You can totally leash a child!

I'm a Disneyland fiend & I've always said that the only problem with that park is all the brats running around. I have to laugh when I see the kid leashes. Went to Toys R Us last week & I am tempted to buy the little back pack leash for toddlings for Dandy. I'm going to see if they make a rubber ducky one...
Something kind of like these:

Even ChaCha gets stepped on =( and she's a fatty lol
Aw thanks! He's a little jerk, but he's too cute so he gets away with it lol

Pffft haven't you seen those people at theme parks? You can totally leash a child!

Ha! YES!

Good luck with your surgeries! That's always a scary venture.
If you run out of time, you should ask Jennifer at Feathered Fashions - her dino costume is ADORABLE. I tried it once in pink dragon variation. Too cute.
kukupecpec, i love you. awesome. have never seen these before nor did i know it was possible. it's necessary for everyone's safety like ducks and the child's of course.

i bet ChaCha is 100 kinds of soft. KISS that burd.

cute does make it easy to get away with all sorts of mischief. my finches are itty bitty but can do some damage and when they do i just deal with it and love them all the more.
You mean the one with the tiny built in T-rex arms? It's SO DANG CUTE!!! Bean's is probably just gonna be a cape add-on to her diaper with cloth spikes going down the back. I think she'd fixate on trying to rip the lil' arms right off :p

Help me out, how exactly does Fowloween work? I know we're supposed to submit photos, but since it's a scavenger hunt isn't there some sort of list that we're supposed to take inspiration from?
EEEEEEEE. Dinosaurus Bean and Sushi Wobble. I can hardly wait to see the photos.

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