Show off your house ducks!

Good to know, thanks!

Lol your definitely not the only one. Every morning without fail as soon as Quackers walks out her house she stretches, flaps her wings, then you hear a LOUD splat! Then the smell hits you, talk about a rude awaking.

That is too cute! Quackers doesn't "nest" yet, I'm guessing it's because she's not laying age. She's only about 10 weeks old. She does however lay right ontop of my foot. If I move my foot she'll scoot over to lay back on my foot Lol.
Yep she would do the same thing with our feet before she layed...with her toys too....

Yep.....this is how we sleep at night...

My husband and I lay down and as soon as I turn on my right side, she runs over and makes a nest out of what ever is there....cloths, towels, bandannas....sheets...then she'll pull my hand under her...kick around for a sec and then sleep.

Before this, when my husband is laying on his stomach watching tv, she cuddles up to his side until I lay down.

She's been sleeping on the bed with us since we got her. I did have her in a box that was next to the bed, and it was ok on some nights....but she would peep....peep...peep and keep knocking on the side of the box with her bill til I put her on the bed with us......

Yeah she is spoiled.


And yep....she still tries to get in our hoods...where she would sleep for hours when she was a duckling....and when she really wants...she squeezes her way up there.

I'm actually working on a pattern to make a big enough hood to sew on a shirt.
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't take it, it's too cute! I gotta try putting Wobs in a hoodie. XD Floki is absolutely adorable. I love quirky animals. <3

Also, what age did she start to lay? Wobbles is a little over three months now, and I wanna make sure I've got what she needs when the time comes. To be honest, I'm not even sure if call ducks will start laying eggs before the Spring breeding season.
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Aww I just wanna give Floki a squeeze!


She's gonna love the bigger hood. :) Quackers doesn't know what a hood is because it's to hot to be wearing one lol.

She does however think she's a parrot. When we first got her she'd climb ontop of our shoulders and bury her head into our neck and go to sleep. Now that she's bigger she will still try to get up there lol.

Do either one of you guys clip Floki or Wobs' nails? Quackers' feel like little razors. I swear one time when she was in the beginning of being a rebellious teen that she had it out for me.

I had picked her up and she kept moving her feet as if she was going for blood. See where she cut me with her toes?
*well I was trying to upload a picture but it won't let me. :( She cut me right on my wrist, where my veins are. Luckily she didn't go deep enough*

Is Floki your only "pet"?

Lol sorry I'm all over the place today.

Hey Amy, how are Wobs and Mochi (hope that's right, haven't had my coffee yet lol) getting along? Any improvements?
It's fine, I haven't had mine either. x_x;;

I do cut Wobs' nails, but last time I did a week ago I accidentally cut the quick, even though I only took off a tiny tip. So now, I take her for walks on the sidewalk path that goes around the pond out back, and that kind of acts as a nail file that blunts the tips a bit so it's not as bad when she scratches me. As for Mochi...well, let's just say we're going through the casting process to be on My Cat From Hell.
I just have to share this:

When Quackers is outside I let one of the dogs outside with her. Well now every time someone passes by Twankers barks and Quackers quacks.

I need to make one of these signs.
It's fine, I haven't had mine either. x_x;;

I do cut Wobs' nails, but last time I did a week ago I accidentally cut the quick, even though I only took off a tiny tip. So now, I take her for walks on the sidewalk path that goes around the pond out back, and that kind of acts as a nail file that blunts the tips a bit so it's not as bad when she scratches me. As for Mochi...well, let's just say we're going through the casting process to be on My Cat From Hell. 

Do you have her on a harness? Is there special harnesses for ducks or do you just use ones for cats/dogs? I hope you do get on the show. :fl Keep us updated please. :D
Yup! She has a walking harness and is totally leash-trained. :p Although lately my hubby and I have taken her sans harness to a small, isolated pond a half mile away to try and teach her how to fly by placing her on one side and making a mad dash to the other, knowing she'll follow us. She hasn't been doing so great, but once her adult feathers come in I hear it'll be easier for her to get the hang of it.
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't take it, it's too cute! I gotta try putting Wobs in a hoodie. XD Floki is absolutely adorable. I love quirky animals. <3

Also, what age did she start to lay? Wobbles is a little over three months now, and I wanna make sure I've got what she needs when the time comes. To be honest, I'm not even sure if call ducks will start laying eggs before the Spring breeding season.
((This is actually from a topic I started a while back.....))

Well she is only 4 1/2 months old, and really didn't expect her to start laying for another month or so.

But her first lay happened on the 3rd at 0545.....and like expected was a total surprise.

For some reason, well we kno at least one now....Floki just wouldn't go to sleep. It was a cooler night out, so we turned the air off, but she still seemed to stay hot...panting when laying down, even when we have her on a wet rag....((which usually keeps her she knows to go to the tray with the wet rag to cool off))

But she would lay down....get up and walk around...peep...peep...and peep....then fall asleep standing up.

Nights when she doesn't sleep, I stay up with husband just happened to not sleep either.

But around 0515 she goes and lays by my husband, which she does all the time...but she started kicking her feet back, then stand up...and repeat...and I recognized the feet kicking was her trying to make the nest right...

But the next thing we kno, she stands up and out comes a ping-pong sized egg!

But then from then on......they are normal sized.

I am keeping track of the times she lays every morning. Anywhere from 0300-0600

And there have been a few days she hasn't layed.

But with the colder months coming she won't be laying everyday like will slow down and then pick back up in the spring. So I'm sure Wobbs will start laying just cuz she's hitting that age, but will slow down like Floki now that it's getting cold.

And I can tell you guys, that we are thankful that she has started laying....cuz when the hormones were kicking in.....OH MY GOSH!!!! about a hormone raged teenager.

She would run she didn't kno what to do with herself, until we pushed her down......and that would only calm her for a few minutes. But now, she has calmed down and back to her old self.

Here is a video of what we'd have to do.....and the noise she makes afterwards, just kills us.....

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Aww I just wanna give Floki a squeeze!


She's gonna love the bigger hood.
Quackers doesn't know what a hood is because it's to hot to be wearing one lol.

She does however think she's a parrot. When we first got her she'd climb ontop of our shoulders and bury her head into our neck and go to sleep. Now that she's bigger she will still try to get up there lol.
Do either one of you guys clip Floki or Wobs' nails? Quackers' feel like little razors. I swear one time when she was in the beginning of being a rebellious teen that she had it out for me.
Nope...she is not....we have 2 dogs and a cat....and our bigger dog, Daisy, who we've had for a while, LOVES Floki....she is super protective of her too. The cat, Lucy, couldn't care less about her....which is kind of funny. But they all get along.

Lol sorry I'm all over the place today.

Hey Amy, how are Wobs and Mochi (hope that's right, haven't had my coffee yet lol) getting along? Any improvements?
Yup! She has a walking harness and is totally leash-trained. :p Although lately my hubby and I have taken her sans harness to a small, isolated pond a half mile away to try and teach her how to fly by placing her on one side and making a mad dash to the other, knowing she'll follow us. She hasn't been doing so great, but once her adult feathers come in I hear it'll be easier for her to get the hang of it.

I always thought there was a "special" harness for ducks. I wish I would've asked before. I have a small kitten one and just tried it on Quackers. :lau I think I just traumatized the poor thing. I slipped it over her head and she took off running through the house with me trying to calm her down and trying to catch her. I feel bad but at the same time can't stop laughing. I use to take her to the corner store when she was younger. She'd closely follow me. Now since going through the teenage phase she'd rather go in the opposite direction, or just want to stay home lol.

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