Show off your house ducks!

Thank You Julie.

Some of the stuff they get unto people would not believe.

Thank You Julie.

Some of the stuff they get unto people would not believe.


You're very welcome. Yes. You are so right. It's funny. And man, so cute. I think it's awesome they love being handled. Scoop and kiss I say. What are their names?

Lil pink webby relaxer. Koot birb.
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I am so tickled at hoe ducks can be scared of such arbitrary things, yet loud noises like the blowdryer don't phase them at all. :p
I am so tickled at hoe ducks can be scared of such arbitrary things, yet loud noises like the blowdryer don't phase them at all. :p
Blow dryer nothin'...

Noises that don't bother my ducks:

12" cut off saw chopping wood.
Shop vac cleaning up poopy tarp.
Pounding nails with a hammer.
Trimming trees with a chain saw.
Mowing the lawn with a lawn tractor - they stay far enough away that they don't get mowed and I have my wife spotting for me just in case but they love the area that was just mowed because it has more insects exposed.
Discharging a gun in the backyard.
Flip a strip of fabric over their head though and panic ensues!

Edit: Also, over the summer, my next door neighbor was filling gopher holes with propane gas then igniting them. This causes a very loud explosion that actually shakes the ground. The ducks barely noticed.
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Blow dryer nothin'...

Noises that don't bother my ducks:

12" cut off saw chopping wood.
Shop vac cleaning up poopy tarp.
Pounding nails with a hammer.
Trimming trees with a chain saw.
Mowing the lawn with a lawn tractor - they stay far enough away that they don't get mowed and I have my wife spotting for me just in case but they love the area that was just mowed because it has more insects exposed.
Discharging a gun in the backyard.
Flip a strip of fabric over their head though and panic ensues!:gig

Edit: Also, over the summer, my next door neighbor was filling gopher holes with propane gas then igniting them.  This causes a very loud explosion that actually shakes the ground.  The ducks barely noticed. :rolleyes:  

Ya know, I never thought about all that til yesterday... mine are the same... guns go off, cars backfire, building coops and nothing, nada, zip reaction... set a chick feeder down next to their pathway and complete and utter panic ensues... :barnie
I am in love with her. She is gigantic with personality. The more attitude the better. Tell her Happy Halloween for me. I am glad you fixed her webnail. And she got treats. Sweet duck bewrd.

She is such a "special" bird lol
I'm lucky to have her though!

Oh no! Poor Chatchkey...

She's all better now! Poor thing needed a nail trim and I was slackin. No more clicking on MY floor haha


Reporting in all the way from the U.K here.!

I hope you don't mind me sharing some photos with you guys and girls of our two runners we got from a few days old to now.
They are INCREDIBLY close to small children and absolutely LOVE my 1 year old son Benjamin.

Benjamin has handled and cuddled the ducks from day one and they can't get enough of him.!

we now even have parties around our house for all Benjamin's friends because the duck lap up the attention and constantly want to be handled and stroked. :)

However they do now live outside the whole time and it's making their relationship with Benjamin weaker as I am struggling to find a supplier of Duck Diapers in the UK. :-(

We had a Halloween party last night and the ducks where the stars of the party getting stuck right in.!











We LOVE a good photo overload! Share share share! And welcone to the thread =D you have such a cute family, feathers and not!

Ya know, I never thought about all that til yesterday... mine are the same... guns go off, cars backfire, building coops and nothing, nada, zip reaction... set a chick feeder down next to their pathway and complete and utter panic ensues... :barnie

Such funny animals! They just don't like change do they?
She is such a "special" bird lol
I'm lucky to have her though!
She's all better now! Poor thing needed a nail trim and I was slackin. No more clicking on MY floor haha
We LOVE a good photo overload! Share share share! And welcone to the thread =D you have such a cute family, feathers and not!
Such funny animals! They just don't like change do they?
before ChaCha's nail trim: slap click, slap click....

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