Show off your house ducks!

I just got out of the hospital after having a major surgery, and ever since I came home, these two refuse to leave my side. I have the best featherpuppies ever <3



Let's see if this time works.
I just want to say that this year I had a magnific new friend, she is a french call duck (petit mignon). She is adorable, cute sometimes misbehaves but I don't mind, she is super lovely, she is Eibar.

Wish you like my little baby
I love Eibar. She is super cute and her webs suit her well.
AMY!! :hugs

So you got wobs and bean back?? It's so good to see you!

Yeah!! It's been about a week since I got them back home. Bean took a bit of time to adjust, but Wobbles acted like he'd never left!

I'm still down for the count and will be bedridden for the next week or so while I recover, but here's my current view as I write this:

Yeah!! It's been about a week since I got them back home. Bean took a bit of time to adjust, but Wobbles acted like he'd never left!

I'm still down for the count and will be bedridden for the next week or so while I recover, but here's my current view as I write this:


:love :love :love I wanna give beans a hug. She's so ROUND.

Tell her I said "hi" and that she's the mostest adorbs birb ever and that mister wobs is just as cute.
AMYKINS!!! So glad to see you and WOBS and BEAN!!!!
I just got back on BYC myself a few days ago after around a 6 month hiatus. One of the first things I did was checked on you and saw your last post was quite a while ago.
This made me sad as you and your babies were constant personalities here at BYC and Yvonne and I were devastated right along with you when you were separated from your babies.
Now you are all back together.

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