Show off your house ducks!

I died when he hopped onto it with his tiny webs of fury, as if he wanted to have the last laugh!

Very much. He doesn't know he's so tiny and precious.

I'm going thru your old vids on there, and I started crying 5 videos in. Too much ROUND and webz-on-soft things and flippy beaks and poofi cheeks for me to handle. And bean kills me with her color. What's it called??

PS. I luvs how wob-wobs lets you touch his head and leans in for scratchies.
Wobs bwerd has the most adorbs attitude. Just lookit at him bravely chasing down the scary bag monster. :love

And I LUVS his orange webbies on CARPET.

Hehe everywhere we go, people can't help but fall in love with the lil' weebeepers. It's hilariously endearing how utterly useless and unintimidating Wobs is when juxtaposed against his larger than life 'tude!

Hmm, as for Bean I'm not sure? Someone on here a long while back mentioned blue bibbed with the gene for heterozygous black, or some clue how it works, but it makes her beautiful!
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I just got out of the hospital after having a major surgery, and ever since I came home, these two refuse to leave my side. I have the best featherpuppies ever /[/IMG]
:love This is just the best thing to see... :hugs Wishing you a speedy recovery, dear... And yeah, it just hasn't been the same on the thread without you, Wobbles and Bean...
Yeah!! It's been about a week since I got them back home. Bean took a bit of time to adjust, but Wobbles acted like he'd never left! I'm still down for the count and will be bedridden for the next week or so while I recover, but here's my current view as I write this:
Best view ever!! *I still want WobBeanables!!!!*
DAMMIT WOBS, mama just had surgery! She needs her rest, and here you go sticking your webs where they don't belong. Well, now look where it's gotten you. I hope you learned your lesson! ...Who am I kidding? Of course you didn't. :gig
LOVE that double web flap/slap/pounce pancake the bag move!! :lau
Hehe everywhere we go, people can't help but fall in love with the lil' weebeepers. It's hilariously endearing how utterly useless and unintimidating Wobs is when juxtaposed against his larger than life 'tude!

Hmm, as for Bean I'm not sure? Someone on here a long while back mentioned blue bibbed with the gene for heterozygous black, or some clue how it works, but it makes her beautiful!

WEEBEEPERS. I luv that word.

I have never seen such a birb as Bean- So unique and adorbs. I so wanna hugs her.
I'm a bit late to the party here but I am SO GLAD you got your babies back Amykins! I can't imagine going that long without my birds but you persevered! May your recovery be as speedy and painless as possible

I hope the good news will continue. My girl Olive has been having reproductive problems since her first egg in the form of frequent double yolkers, chronic egg binding and multiple cases of peritonitis. I've been working with a vet through all of this and we really didn't want to do anything surgical without exhausting all our other options to make sure it was the right choice. So much stuff can cause this after all! Nothing has worked and we've just been putting a bandage on what appears to be a congenital problem. Olive will he going in for a hysterectomy next week, as well as receiving a hormone blocker implant to be certain her ovaries (which must be left in) shut down. It is such a risk and I'm really scared for her, but if we don't do this one of these times she is going to get so sick we won't be able to save her. She's not even a year old. I hope her youth buys her some luck under the knife.

Here she is at the vet on Monday looking as lively as she had in awhile- she was eggbound two days because the vet was closed, the poor thing!


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