Show off your house ducks!

Thank you. Im in the UK so antibiotics are hard to come by and expensive. There is no pus or obvious signs of infection (redness or heat) either.
I give them acv in their mash but not their water, do they benefit from dipping their heads in a solution of it too? Should i bathe the crusted parts with a weak acv solution?
Hi duck people

I could do with a little advice, I collected two male runners that i bought online and they arent too healthy. I have bathed them and fed them, treated them for worms and just given them a decent environment which i think will get them back on track but i am concerned that one of them has crusty patches below his eyes. Will these just recover or do i need to treat them specifically? And with what should i treat them?

Do they have a way to wash their heads frequently? You might lightly mist the eyes with mild saline solution three or four times a day. There are also antibiotic eyedrops available some places (I don't know of exactly where, I haven't needed them). Vetericyn makes an eye gel.
Hi thank you, yes, i am an experienced runner duck keeper so am familiar with the basics but i have never experienced crusty patches under the eyes before. I think saline is a good idea but dont want to use antibiotics unnecessarily and i don't believe they are infected. They look like scabs.
I would make sure you are not looking at mites (you probably would recognize them, but it crossed my mind), and use the saline or Vetericyn (which is not an antibiotic). Please keep us posted!

Guys I can't get live ducks. 3 dead yolk. How do I fix the dog house and older ducks. I sprayed the coop down washed everything out there applied bug spray around where I could away from my eggs ditmacious earth. These ants drive me crazy. How can I help them.
I use cinnamon as a perimeter to repel ants from my chicken run. If they are climbing at all, a perimeter of petroleum jelly can also prevent passage. Baits the ants take back to the colony might also be of use but setting out poison if you have free roaming animals around is always something that takes extra consideration
Would the Vaseline hurt the ducks or baby's if tried to eat it. How do you do it. How would I do it around dog house. I don't have cinnamon at moment all ask partner to pick some up at the store on his way home tomorrow .
Would the Vaseline hurt the ducks or baby's if tried to eat it. How do you do it. How would I do it around dog house. I don't have cinnamon at moment all ask partner to pick some up at the store on his way home tomorrow .

Nah, vasaline is fine, I used it on my mouse's week and she's fine. She's 2 yrs old. My ducklings are getting their toes done with dog nail polish, their fine. Ducks are actually pretty hardy animals. My friend used to have a house duck who ate pizza and weird stuff all the time, he lived for a long time. My ducks eat caterpillars, flowers, ants, milk, cerel, pretty much anything and they are super healthy ducks.
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