Show off your Peas!

I didn't see very many last summer so maybe I will see more this year.
I am sure all the peas I am getting have seen them except for Bridges, who seems to be scared of his own shadow. We hope to finish 2 of the pens here on the farm this weekend and move two pairs home so we can tear down the rest of the pens and move the other 6 pair here.
Squeaky and Peggy...young love.

Chicken the slight barring on her tail unusual? Our other girls don't have this.

*edited to add:
By the way, since I haven't mentioned it lately...Great photos everyone!

It is such a treat to see all of your wonderful peas!!!
Minxfox, I am so jealous that you can pet your cute boy Peep.
Have any of you managed to get that degree of closeness with peas you didn't hand raise? (= is there any hope for me?)
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I got both of mine as older birds. They are very friendly to me but are more shy with anymore than two people. I freaked out totally today because I waited till 10 to feed.(I normally do it very early)but when I went in the big pen my green male ran right up to me( I mean I could touch him close) and then stayed that way right by me when I poured out the food and they all started eating. This was a bird that got no human interaction before I had him. Goldilocks may have helped as well because when I give her a banana treat the boy will follow right behind her to get his. I have him coming up to 5 feet of me to eat it dropped on the ground. Just spend as much time with them as you can. This has worked for every bird I have kept. But I honestly didnt think there was ever going to be a closeness with this 5yr old peacock. Boy was I wrong. So yes new2 peafowl there is definetly hope and I bet success for you as well
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Thanks destinduck, and it's exciting to hear that your green boy is warming up to you!
We must be due for some new pictures of your boys and their pretty new girlfriend?

Just so I don't sound too demanding and spoiled
I have to say that I'm so thrilled that my boy Peggy will finally eat out of my hand (blueberries only), so I am certainly not complaining. But it's so sweet to see MinxFox petting her Peep. Of course, I know that they have been together since he hatched, so that is an unusual situation.
Yep my mom and I helped Peep hatch...He was turned the wrong way in his egg and even though he was able to make a small hole his wing was sticking out of it and not his head. We helped him out and I spent an hour or so holding his feet to help them straighten out faster. He would cry when I would leave the room so I had to spend lots of time with him or else you would hear a peachick calling out very loudly. When he was that little I would wrap him in a small hand towel and put him in a padded lunchbox and carry him around the house. I liked to take him outside sometimes to explore too. Even now I will let him out of his pen sometimes to walk around for a bit. I don't really pick him up anymore though. I can but he doesn't like it so I don't although sometimes I can get him to fly onto my arm and sometimes when I am bent down in the pen picking up a food dish or something if another bird chases him or spooks him he flies onto my back.
This is Peep's hatching photo...This was after we helped him out of the egg and he wasn't moving much so I was worried about him.

Here is Peep learning some geography...

Peep even came to my Great Aunt's Birthday Party...Peep walked up to the guy playing guitar and pecked at the guitar. He also jumped up into my Great Aunt's lap.

Peep has been a really great bird to raise and it is great watching him get so pretty! It won't be too long now before he gets a long train!
Yep my mom and I helped Peep hatch...He was turned the wrong way in his egg and even though he was able to make a small hole his wing was sticking out of it and not his head. We helped him out and I spent an hour or so holding his feet to help them straighten out faster. He would cry when I would leave the room so I had to spend lots of time with him or else you would hear a peachick calling out very loudly. When he was that little I would wrap him in a small hand towel and put him in a padded lunchbox and carry him around the house. I liked to take him outside sometimes to explore too. Even now I will let him out of his pen sometimes to walk around for a bit. I don't really pick him up anymore though. I can but he doesn't like it so I don't although sometimes I can get him to fly onto my arm and sometimes when I am bent down in the pen picking up a food dish or something if another bird chases him or spooks him he flies onto my back.
This is Peep's hatching photo...This was after we helped him out of the egg and he wasn't moving much so I was worried about him.

Here is Peep learning some geography...

Peep even came to my Great Aunt's Birthday Party...Peep walked up to the guy playing guitar and pecked at the guitar. He also jumped up into my Great Aunt's lap.

Peep has been a really great bird to raise and it is great watching him get so pretty! It won't be too long now before he gets a long train!
nice album for a beloved pet

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