Show off your Peas!

Sorry about that I use an iPhone for Internet cause I don't have Internet on my computer and it didn't post my pic. I was wonder what kind of peacock I have I'm pretty sure it's a male but only about 4 to 5 months old but acts like a male does by raises what tail feathers it has up. He is mostly white with brown or tan on back and green spot at the base of neck looks a lot like the 5th pic in west knoll Amy pics but head is white and has the green Please help if you can.

I only have an iPhone too....I got the app photobucket and put my pictures in there, then you can copy the pic as a html and paste it here. I'm not the best at computer stuff, but if I figured it out I hope you can too! :)
A male will have barring on his back feathers where a hen will be more grey. Do a search on this forum as I know it's been discussed with good pictures.
Yes! And yours have matured so beautifully!

I have 2 pens of babies, 5 in one and 4 in the other. I lost quite a few because I found out incubator hatching was not as kind as broody hens. And then I lost one quickly and found it had coccidiosis so we went around again, several times, treating for that. Now it is just a weekly treatment. Ugh!

This is my youngest pen of peas. They still run to the back of their pens when I point the camera at them. But show them a meal worm and they are not afraid of my hand.

Wow! So many beautiful birds! I love coming in and seeing all the beauties!

My kids are growing up. It will soon be time to move them to a new pen and then I am sure they won't let me touch them.

My poor Wunkie. Hatched in a bator and kept the crooked neck.

But he can straighten it. A little.

They look good. didn't you hatch these? the ones I hatched are pest .
Joe- Sorry about your friend and glad you were there to help the family out. I really want to see pics of your birds next summer, don't forget, Please.
I love everybody's baby pics, they are soo cute and some are already showing their personalities.
Both girls and boys do that :) and it looks more girl to me, but I can't zoom in on the pictures...others here are better at telling for sure. My hen fans more than my male!

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