Show off your Peas!

I wonder if the cold snap didn't put her on hold for a few days.  I was getting three or four eggs per day and the cold came through and it went down to two for a few days and a couple of days none.  So far I have collected over 60 eggs and got my first IB last night.  So far I have been cendling out about one in six due to either being clear or cracked from being perch bombs.

The hens run around the pen, their wings dropped and their tails down! They started this about 2 days ago????
I wonder if the cold snap didn't put her on hold for a few days. I was getting three or four eggs per day and the cold came through and it went down to two for a few days and a couple of days none. So far I have collected over 60 eggs and got my first IB last night. So far I have been candling out about one in six due to either being clear or cracked from being perch bombs.
My hens lay a clutch of 4 to 5 and stop then try to sit if i pull the eggs ,in a week to 10 days they lay another clutch and we repeat this all threw the season, they may have laid all they are going to i that clutch is all they will start up again
this is what i have observed, my pied hen has been sitting sense the 13th i left her one real egg and 2 decoys.all the test eggs i set are developing
we are also experiencing a cold snap
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The hens run around the pen, their wings dropped and their tails down! They started this about 2 days ago????

I've been watching a few of mine do that for over a month and not lay yet. If you see mating, laying will start within a couple of weeks. If you want to watch them lay, go out around sundown, they will lay between sunset and dark. I was watching one last night that I thought she was in distress. She kept walking around the edges of the pen squaking stopping at two different depressions in the ground, squatting and not laying. She finally got it done though, but not after I was afraid that something was wrong. Most of the time they will make a soft clucking noise, but this one was quite vocal.
i was wondering I've got 3 pea eggs and it has been better than a week since I got one. I have 3 hens that are 20 mo old and the male is the same age. I've never seen mate. He has eyes in his tail. Are the hens through?
I have have had many young males with a baby train all i ever see them mate is stuffed animals LOL my males that had an adult train last year but were under 3 years old never mated either they just spared with each other.
Peas do not mate like chickens, more like guineas Peas mate and it may be a day or two till they mate that same hen again at least that is what i have observed here.

How many times have you seen your guineas mate? i have seen it one time this year but the eggs i been selling sense march are hatching for folks
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I have have had many young males with a baby train all i ever see them mate is stuffed animals LOL my males that had an adult train last year but were under 3 years old never mated either they just spared with each other.
Peas do not mate like chickens, more like guineas Peas mate and it may be a day or two till they mate that same hen again at least that is what i have observed here.

How many times have you seen your guineas mate? i have seen it one time this year but the eggs i been selling sense march are hatching for folks
I have 11 males, and so far i only saw my green pair mating this season, even so i'm getting fertile eggs from most pens.

I know someone who raised people for maybe 4 years, he never saw his birds mating, the funny thing is he thought when they want to mate the hen will come to the male while he is fanning and she will bring her back to touch his back
I laughed of course, and didn't believe how they mate until i show him a video in Youtube!
When some hens are getting ready to lay here they will walk all day long in the woods and field, i see them sit down in an area and observe things, get up walk around another hour then go back to the area i saw them sit and observer, many times they will lay one egg in the first place i watched them observe from, if they have not laid more than one egg in that spot in 3 days i know it is the decoy nest
and i will have 4 more chances to find their other nest before they lock down on them. Not all of my hens lay in decoy nest , my pied has not she went back to the same area i let her hatch out some last year in the mulch pile, this is just what i have learned about them here may not apply to birds in aviaries.
Your hens are running around the pen? acting lethargic? I observe mine standing still in the egg stance not running around, i am confused by your statement.
Haha they aren't acting lethargic sorry for the confusion. Mine do this same pose as your pictures is what I meant.

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