Show off your Peas!

OK, then I'm back to Katheter Queen!

Unless you want to get serious.

Is that Rocking Hills by way of Sir Walter Scott?
Hey everyone!

Great pictures!
I finally finished summer classes and I get a week or two off before Fall classes start up.

The adult peafowl are doing well and so are the two peachicks.

The peachick I hatched does have a name it was given to it by my Mom. The peachick's name is Flip-Flop because of all the shoes it had to wear as a baby. Right now I am thinking it might be a girl instead of a boy but we will see. This peachick is a bit shier than the green peachick and it has all of the dog's attention. Our dog no longer wants to eat the green peachick but really wants to eat Flip-Flop.

Raptor is looking like Zaz's greens he is getting green neck feathers and bits of blue on his wings. He is even getting a slight yellow tint to his face. He now can stand his ground when the dog is around. He pecks her on the nose and drop kicks her and of course the dog loves having a playmate. I make sure the dog doesn't get too crazy playing with him. She isn't allowed to bite but the bird is allowed.

After going out every day in the afternoon with the peachicks to scratch around for bugs I can tell you one of their favorite bugs to eat are ear wigs. They also like almond roaches and crickets. The crickets are the hardest to catch and the ear wigs are the easiest to catch.

Now with a bit of time off I will have to get some more photos and maybe even a video. I hope everyone is doing well.
Well I like Kathy's educational qualities, and her supportive qualities, and her help-you-solve-it qualities, and her ability to examine poo, crops and necropsies. I like the fact that she continues to walk forward and continue being herself even when someone intentionally pulls the rug out from under her . So I think she's more than tubing and poop. Aside from Flock Mistress or Mother Fowl, I'd like to think of some title that's more inclusive of all this and/or meaningful or reflective of the Kathy behind all this.
Hey everyone!

Great pictures!
I finally finished summer classes and I get a week or two off before Fall classes start up.

The adult peafowl are doing well and so are the two peachicks.

The peachick I hatched does have a name it was given to it by my Mom. The peachick's name is Flip-Flop because of all the shoes it had to wear as a baby. Right now I am thinking it might be a girl instead of a boy but we will see. This peachick is a bit shier than the green peachick and it has all of the dog's attention. Our dog no longer wants to eat the green peachick but really wants to eat Flip-Flop.

Raptor is looking like Zaz's greens he is getting green neck feathers and bits of blue on his wings. He is even getting a slight yellow tint to his face. He now can stand his ground when the dog is around. He pecks her on the nose and drop kicks her and of course the dog loves having a playmate. I make sure the dog doesn't get too crazy playing with him. She isn't allowed to bite but the bird is allowed.

After going out every day in the afternoon with the peachicks to scratch around for bugs I can tell you one of their favorite bugs to eat are ear wigs. They also like almond roaches and crickets. The crickets are the hardest to catch and the ear wigs are the easiest to catch.

Now with a bit of time off I will have to get some more photos and maybe even a video. I hope everyone is doing well.
hope to see a video soon, glad Raptor is doing great mine love crickets and grass hoppers also and if you have fallen rotted trees in the woods nearby roll them over and see if you can find those big grubs and soft looking crickets he will love you for them
Help! I have a white male pea that is opening his mouth every minute or so, then he shakes his head and tries to clear his throat. What's wrong?

I took him to the vet. He had fluid in one lung. I got some strong antibiotics which I give for7 days. He has not gasp again! The vet wants me to bring in a stool sample for him. That is easier said than done! All of my peas have the runs from the antibiotics! I think I am going to worm them anyway. All of my hens are laying. I have 8 eggs in the bator????
Just got done making a new cuff for my birds to perch on since my birds were getting to big for the old cuff once they were around a year old. I would like though to get the leather shoe lace a little bit longer so I could put some of the peafowl wing feathers, tail, and train feathers I have just sitting in my room to decorate the cuff.
New cuff goes from my wrist and ends right before my elbow. I would want to add the feathers to the end near my elbow so they don't get pooped on.

Old cuff only half the size.
I edited the video of the peachicks today. It will take forever for the program to turn it into a video file and then it will take even more of a forever for it to upload to Youtube, so since I want to actually use my computer today it might be a while before I can have it ready to watch, but I did make a video.

Birdrain that cuff looks supper cool. I would be the kind to wear it even when not handling birds haha. I am excited to see how you fancy it up. It would be neat if you could draw some kind of design on it in silver or gold sharpie.
I edited the video of the peachicks today. It will take forever for the program to turn it into a video file and then it will take even more of a forever for it to upload to Youtube, so since I want to actually use my computer today it might be a while before I can have it ready to watch, but I did make a video.

Birdrain that cuff looks supper cool. I would be the kind to wear it even when not handling birds haha. I am excited to see how you fancy it up. It would be neat if you could draw some kind of design on it in silver or gold sharpie.

I wear it all day just for fun. I'm decorating it up right now so when I'm done I will post pictures. I might do your idea about putting a design on it but not sure yet what design but I'm thinking of some designs. Right now I'll stick to the feathers and then later add designs.

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