Show off your Peas!

Bent digits can be caused by hatching issues or it can be from inbreeding , it can be hereditary .......  this is why i purchased stock that i knew for a fact was unrelated ;)  

She says that she marks all of her birds to prevent inbreeding. I was thinking that it was do to nutrition since she never gives her birds above 18% protein. That's all she feeds them, though she adds oats, barley, soy, and wheat. For laying season it's a base of 16% protein for laying production (chicken laying feed). I saw her feed, and what she uses. I recognized the base feed being an All Flock 18% protein, and then she mixed the oats, barley, soy, and wheat. I can't remember if I got a picture of the feed. I hope I did.
She says that she marks all of her birds to prevent inbreeding. I was thinking that it was do to nutrition since she never gives her birds above 18% protein. That's all she feeds them, though she adds oats, barley, soy, and wheat. For laying season it's a base of 16% protein for laying production (chicken laying feed). I saw her feed, and what she uses. I recognized the base feed being an All Flock 18% protein, and then she mixed the oats, barley, soy, and wheat. I can't remember if I got a picture of the feed. I hope I did.
Soy is not good for peafowl
to much hormone in it , it is not even good for humans on a regular basis just sayen

When you say makes do you mean they have separate breeding pens to prevent inbreeding
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Soy is not good for peafowl ;)  to much hormone in it , it is not even good for humans on a regular basis just sayen 

When you say makes do you mean they have separate breeding pens to prevent inbreeding 

She has different breeding pens to control colors. She only puts her breeding peafowl in the flight pens when the hens stop laying eggs. She marks her breeding peafowl with a pink leg band to keep track of them. Her nutrition tips kind of made me question. She shared some information on nutrition that I didn't agree on. She told me that I should stop giving oyster shells for my hens during breeding season saying oyster shells have no calcium in them yet the nutrition level from my oyster shells says 36% calcium. She said that my 22% protein feed for the adults is too much protein for them. I like the way my nutrition is. It helps prevent egg bound, promotes healthy development for chicks being incubated, and the extra calcium helps my male produce good quality feathers. She says what I feed is not good for them or a waste of money. My peafowl raising book advises the use of a 20% protein feed for adults and the chicks need at least 20% protein. You've seen my peafowl and how healthy and well taken care of they are.
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She has different breeding pens to control colors. She only puts her breeding peafowl in the flight pens when the hens stop laying eggs. She marks her breeding peafowl with a pink leg band to keep track of them. Her nutrition tips kind of made me question. She shared some information on nutrition that I didn't agree on. She told me that I should stop giving oyster shells for my hens during breeding season saying oyster shells have no calcium in them yet the nutrition level from my oyster shells says 36% calcium. She said that my 22% protein feed for the adults is too much protein for them. I like the way my nutrition is. It helps prevent egg bound, promotes healthy development for chicks being incubated, and the extra calcium helps my male produce good quality feathers. She says what I feed is not good for them or a waste of money. My peafowl raising book advises the use of a 20% protein feed for adults and the chicks need at least 20% protein. You've seen my peafowl and how healthy and well taken care of they are.
Great so you know, she really should not sell chicks with defects if she gets them from a certain hen often just my opinion, no need to bred defects when you are not trying to save a species there are plenty of birds without defects showing
her digits are not bad not like what i saw popping up from one hen i HAD but she had a visible defect so i know i was taking a chance, lesson learned

I do not feed any of my birds calcium nor oyster shells they get that from the greens and seeds they forage for, see in order for calcium to be absorbed you need other things like magnesium..

I believe more than not egg bound hens are cause from not being able to walk it off so to speak, i noticed that when a hen is first laying in the season or a Young layer they will walk all day sometimes like they are on a mission, to me it is like other animals they pace and walk when labor starts, sure you can catch them and dose them with Calcium and other things and they will lay sometimes but perhaps the stress is enough to get that egg moving....

I am just going on observations , i have yet to have or lost one hen of any kind chicken, guinea, duck, goose or peafowl to being egg bound and i have had 1000's of birds over the decades and they have always been free .. I did loose a peahen i got years ago to internal laying once but that it.

Here is a good read, i have posted it a couple times now perhaps some are new here or some missed it
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Great so you know, she really should not sell chicks with defects if she gets them from a certain hen often just my opinion, no need to bred defects when you are not trying to save a species there are plenty of birds without defects showing
her digits are not bad not like what i saw popping up from one hen i HAD but she had a visible defect so i know i was taking a chance, lesson learned

I do not feed any of my birds calcium nor oyster shells they get that from the greens and seeds they forage for, see in order for calcium to be absorbed you need other things like magnesium..

I believe more than not egg bound hens are cause from not being able to walk it off so to speak, i noticed that when a hen is first laying in the season or a Young layer they will walk all day sometimes like they are on a mission, to me it is like other animals they pace and walk when labor starts, sure you can catch them and dose them with Calcium and other things and they will lay sometimes but perhaps the stress is enough to get that egg moving....

I am just going on observations , i have yet to have or lost one hen of any kind chicken, guinea, duck, goose or peafowl to being egg bound and i have had 1000's of birds over the decades and they have always been free .. I did loose a peahen i got years ago to internal laying once but that it.

Here is a good read, i have posted it a couple times now perhaps some are new here or some missed it

I'm hoping since she could grow a little bit more that possibly with this new nutrition it could possibly help but chances are probably slim to none. Worth a shot since she is still growing before she's caught up to my adult IB hen. Thank you for the advice. I'm probably going to try and get some birds from Leggs Peafowl Farm sometime in the near future. It will also give me the experience with birds being shipped. I think it's a good idea to try and get some from Leggs. Also another part of me is thinking that it could be the toe nail growing in weird making me think the toe is slightly twisted. But I'll have to see and watch.
Like i said it is not bad looking at all, not like it is bent to the left or right or bent up by the knuckle, she is a real nice looking hen.... Getting another bloodline from others is an awesome idea , i have bloodline from California and Florida as well as my original 5 lines so i have been going threw and selling off the birds i decided i could do without, i sold alot of Peacocks this year, glad i had them i never realized their would be a demand for them, not having to keep them in separate pens is a great help i can keep extras this way in case someone needs a male i have them.. After next breeding season i will have proven breeders to sell as i am going to be scaling way down after i get the greens aviary's finished as i will no longer need an income to build them,

Mabe after that can go back into retirement ...
get fat and lazy, eat chocolate's and read love stories LOL
Just a day on the farm with my friends

Marcus , he is such a sweet boy

Kermit sharing his grass seed with the big guy

Pretty eye


He stold my camera cover silly boy

Kermit is scared

Silly peacock was trying to have his way with my boot

A safe place for Kermit

He was closing his eyes and squeaking away in hope he does not get pecked on the head, all went well and they are now friends

Making our rounds

Critter came home to roost and the peas are not happy about it


All done with breakfast time to come out and play

He is a keeper 2014 hatch

Been rolling out some hay for winter, they do love to sit in it, I do too LOL

My Annie

Marty getting her puppy love

Rhe green beans i have 2 peacocks and 10 peahens , what luck now i need more peacocks

My shadow Kermit making the rounds with me

Jake from state farm

Just a day on the farm with my friends

Marcus , he is such a sweet boy

Kermit sharing his grass seed with the big guy

Pretty eye


He stold my camera cover silly boy

Kermit is scared

Silly peacock was trying to have his way with my boot

A safe place for Kermit

He was closing his eyes and squeaking away in hope he does not get pecked on the head, all went well and they are now friends

Making our rounds

Critter came home to roost and the peas are not happy about it


All done with breakfast time to come out and play

He is a keeper 2014 hatch

Been rolling out some hay for winter, they do love to sit in it, I do too LOL

My Annie

Marty getting her puppy love

Rhe green beans i have 2 peacocks and 10 peahens , what luck now i need more peacocks

My shadow Kermit making the rounds with me

Jake from state farm

Beautiful birds. Kermit looks like he will never leave your side. You need to get a walking stick or something for him to perch on when you're going around the farm.
Beautiful birds. Kermit looks like he will never leave your side. You need to get a walking stick or something for him to perch on when you're going around the farm.
LOL Kermit can walk fine I am his momma LOL it isn't real steady when Mom is walking even without a walking stick which i do have LOL he is my buddy.pest as is Marcus but Kermit spends most all his time with me even inside and he sleeps inside

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