Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

Hi there RSL experts! Paranoid first time chicken owner here, I've got an 8 day old Golden Comet chick that is feathering in alarmingly white. .... not one ginger feather on her, just some ginger fuzz on her head. Is this how it goes? Lots of white feathers first? Heeelp!

thats how gloria started. they start out almost completely white except for the head, and then feathers start changing to red. good luck w/ your cutie!:love

Phew! Thanks for the reassurance. It would be just my luck for the hatchery to somehow mess up a sex linked chick! She's one of my favorites, such a great little personality. I'm looking forward to those eggs! 16 weeks and counting....
Hi there RSL experts! Paranoid first time chicken owner here, I've got an 8 day old Golden Comet chick that is feathering in alarmingly white. .... not one ginger feather on her, just some ginger fuzz on her head. Is this how it goes? Lots of white feathers first? Heeelp!

Usually the whiter chicks are the males. This is my grow out coop and pen. Here are some Rhode Island Whites and a Red Sex-Link project I was working on.

These are the RSL females

These are RIR and RSL chicks. The white chicks are the RSL males.

RSL males

A RSL male and female.

The RIR and RSL chicks. The white chicks are the male RSL chicks.
WashingtonWino, the chick in the image you posted looks like a male to me. (just my opinion) Hatcheries usually have a 90% guarantee, so it is slightly possible you can get a male. If they send extra chicks the extras are usually males. When you hatch eggs you will get pretty close to 50/50 male/female. If you don't have an aversion to processing the males, they are tasty. Since Sex-Links don't breed true I process my males when they are around 9 months old. I can't keep them all and since they don't breed true people will only buy them if they don't care what their chicks may look like. I did a project a few years ago and bred some Sex-Links. I got a lot of different colors and variations in the chicks. The females were very good layers. I had some beautiful different colored males and some people bought them just because they were so pretty.
Gosh I sure hope she's a girl, I've only got 6 chicks and one of those six is an Easter Egger with a crossed beak that I don't expect to make it. I'd be down to just an Australorp, BCMarans, Welsummer and a Wyandotte. The sexlink was supposed to be my egg machine. I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'll post another pic when s(he) hits 2 weeks. CMom, your chicks sure are cute! What a fun project.
Gosh I sure hope she's a girl, I've only got 6 chicks and one of those six is an Easter Egger with a crossed beak that I don't expect to make it. I'd be down to just an Australorp, BCMarans, Welsummer and a Wyandotte. The sexlink was supposed to be my egg machine. I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'll post another pic when s(he) hits 2 weeks. CMom, your chicks sure are cute! What a fun project.

That's' going to be one pretty egg basket
Gosh I sure hope she's a girl, I've only got 6 chicks and one of those six is an Easter Egger with a crossed beak that I don't expect to make it. I'd be down to just an Australorp, BCMarans, Welsummer and a Wyandotte. The sexlink was supposed to be my egg machine. I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'll post another pic when s(he) hits 2 weeks. CMom, your chicks sure are cute! What a fun project.

I also wanted to say,

I agree, that is going to be a colorful basket of eggs. I really hope I'm wrong, it could be a she.
These are female Red Sex-Links.
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Gosh I sure hope she's a girl, I've only got 6 chicks and one of those six is an Easter Egger with a crossed beak that I don't expect to make it. I'd be down to just an Australorp, BCMarans, Welsummer and a Wyandotte. The sexlink was supposed to be my egg machine. I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'll post another pic when s(he) hits 2 weeks. CMom, your chicks sure are cute! What a fun project.
Do you have a picture of your chick with the crossed beak? If it isn't too bad you may be able to help it.

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