Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:


I love that face!
Crazy how fast they grow ! They are now 17 days and starting to get some dark red to their white wing feathers :)) These are 2 out of the 3 red stars I have :))



well i hope im not doing sumthing crazy but ive introduced my 6 little 24 day old babies to my 8-12 week babies only twice today is 2nd and not one peck from either one of them im puttin babies in with big girls tonite in coop the temp has been in 70s here un miss. my wife has periodicaly checked on them and to my amasement they are all sleeping quietly seperate from each other but very good temperament i know its early but they got along so well i thought i would try it then again tomorrow is a different day lol
her at 7 days old i dont have any names as i have 14 chicks in all and im terrible in names lol but they all climb the door of the coop when they see their daddy cumming well mostly when i have treats lol

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