Show off your roosters

Memento Mori.
He was a good boy and did his job, but, was too aggressive to humans, and had to go. If you would like to make donations, in his memory, to help the hens get by in their time of loss, please send them via PayPal to Mythicaldesigns at gmail dot com. Donations will go towards counseling in the form of mealworms and scratch and for the future introduction of a nice Buff Orphington Roo with a good attitude.

Memento Mori.
He was a good boy and did his job, but, was too aggressive to humans, and had to go. If you would like to make donations, in his memory, to help the hens get by in their time of loss, please send them via PayPal to Mythicaldesigns at gmail dot com. Donations will go towards counseling in the form of mealworms and scratch and for the future introduction of a nice Buff Orphington Roo with a good attitude.

So you changed his name to Stew?

This is Mr. Cadbury, he is a New Hampshire Red. :)

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