Show off your roosters

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Hes only 6 months old. She said rooster is americauno and he hatched from green egg??? If buff orphingtons was hen, wouldn't egg not be green?? Hes the only egg that hatched.
I'm sorry to tell you that he's not pure Ameraucana with those wattles and coming from a green egg. He could be considered an Easter Egger, but there is no way to be certain until you hatch some chicks and grow out the pullets. If the pullets lay green or blue, then he's Easter Egger. If they lay brown or white, then he's just a mixed breed.
Many use the term Americana for Easter Eggers. There is a true Ameraucana breed, and I agree with junebuggena, you don't have a true Ameraucana, but a very pretty bird! Nothing wrong with that.

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