Show off your small or cheap made coop

It's a porch swing frame. I bought a few 2x3's off of Home Depot's cull rack for $0.51 each and the rest of the wood and mesh was laying around. It's only 2x5, but it's fine for 3 bantam Cochins. The three bachelors are in there now. It's not done. I need to make a door on the bottom for the 'run' area and finish the ramp. I have moved on to another project... Turning a pool table into two bantam Cochin breeding pens.
I'm afraid to see how much this thing really cost. I can guarantee that it was made with less than $100 and a lot of repurposed items.

The hardware wire was purchased last year for a different project that we simply never used. The addititonal wire we picked up from Craigslist for cheap ($8, we still have a huge roll left), the corrogated roof, 2x4s, 2x2s, metal posts and the playwood for the side with the door (it's being held closed with one of my metal posts). The rest was repurposed from when I tore a fence down ealier this year. I still need to build brooding boxes, we picked up some wood pallets that were in decent shape and will be using those. The screws, washers and hinges were in the house when I bought it.

I still need to paint it to make it look nicer and insulate the sucker. It's supposed to snow today (I doubt it but better safe than sorry!). This was built this past Saturday.

Lol!! I laughed so hard when I saw this!! I love it though! Very resourceful
....mine looks like crap and I spent a good bit of money on materials.

Good job!!
i feel SO much better after this thread!!! thank you! Now i have the confidence i need that my future scary contraption can still be a lovely home!
I was one of those that spent nearly $2K on my first chicken mansion. THEN I decided to have breeding pens, and my first one is for my silkie trio. We had a tornado last year that wiped out a couple of our buildings and i have used wood from that. So it's not pretty, but it'll do the job. It's not finished yet-- I just started it a few weeks ago in between rain and cold. The next day we have nice sunny weather, I'll finish it. :) ---oh, you can see my other coop in the background of the first two pics. This little coop has only cost me $40 in screws and hardware (hinges, locks, etc)

Ok, bad weather interfeared with the completion of my little 4x4 coop. But today is supposed to be sunny with a hight of 63 so I'm hoping to get it finished today! Middle DS is out there even as I type "looking" at it (probably scratching his head wondering what needs to be done next LOL).

I promise to post a pic of our "re-purposed lumber Purina Coop" when it's finished!

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