Show off your small or cheap made coop

this is our first attempt at a A frame coop, it was made out of cedar that hubby cut from our property and had milled, and pallets we got free and broke down to make the slats for the shelter. We later built the 2nd one from all cedar cut from our property. Milling it cost us 26 cents a foot so not alot invested other than the wire.

I don't have a picture of the first one complete but you get the idea. The sides were covered with slats off of old pallets.
It all started with an abandoned playhouse. We spent about $300. (not including the playhouse) I probably spent $70 on locks and latches...Yikes! Did we need to repaint it? Maybe not $24 for paint, Did we need to replace the roof???? We get pretty cold in the winter so that was probably a good idea, about $45 for the new roof. We used hardware cloth instead of poultry wire, it would have been about $15 for poultry wire but we spent $65 on hardware cloth. So we could have done it for less money but decided we needed these "upgrades" still spent less than buying a coop kit

the playhouse before

Looking in before the roof was put on

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Chirp you got it going on with that coop! excellent use of whatcha got!! should be proud

This is the only thread I will post my coop. It is made with an old table turned upside down. Plywood from left over of neighbor's chicken mansion. The "metal" roof is the old air conditioner drip pan; and the door is the pallet came with the new air conditioner. The pots are used to hold down the removable metal roof. A patch here and there as you can see. It's not a coop, it is chicken shelter. Polina and Pavela are happy.
Man, I am impressed.... Finny all the chickens in those salvaged coops seem just as happy as the 1K housed chickens.... Great stuff, i want to see more...

remember the only things that makes the coop expensive to build is you. the chickens dont care what it looks like.
Heres mine! Dimension are about 5.5' x 3.5'. Made from recycled pallets, OSB, and other recycled/cheap materials for around $170. Currently houses six 6-week old pullets (we will add a detachable run in the next month or so).

I found a guy building these on craigslist $350
Made with recycled lumber. Hardware wire. 4'x8'x6' fit right into the back of my pick-up. Tall enough to walk into.
Came with nest boxes & roosts.
Picked it up in the morning & had chickens that night.
Gotta love craigslist!
Good luck

Chirp you got it going on with that coop! excellent use of whatcha got!! should be proud

Thank you. Yes I am really proud. Hubby thought I was crazy wanting chickens; but I was determined.
Got Polina and Pavela after first born left for college ... she so enjoyed fresh eggs when she was home for winter break. With my younger one heading to college in another year, I told hubby I am getting a pig... wish I had taped his expression.
Ooh. I'm jealous of that one. A friend of mine made her chicken coop out of an old popup camper base and it's so convenient. She moves it around the yard throughout the summer and her chickens always have something fresh to pick at.
Have fun!

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