12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
Now that the weather is warming I will soon have the following bantam eggs available;
Single Comb Rhode Island Reds-these are a strain I have bred for over 20 years. They have shown successfully at the national level. There have been some years I have had the best Red at every show I attended. These will be $32 per dozen .
Black Breasted Red malay- Beautiful,hardy birds. I have only had these for a couple of years but they have shown well. I'm amazed at how well these lay & what great broody hens they make. I had one hen last year who sat on 3 consecutive clutches of bantam duck eggs. A very rare variety. $35 per dozen
Self Blue Old English-These are my favorite OEGB. I find the soft blue colour very appealing. These birds are John Mead bloodlines and are as good as any you'll find. $30 per dozen
Single Comb Light Brown Leghsorn-These birds are 100% George Beyer's strain and are some of the best in the country. $40 per dozen.
Lastly an assortment of Black Rosecomb, Silver Spangled Hamburgs & Golden Pencilled Hamburgs-I don't have enough hens in these varieties to sell them individually. The Rosecombs are from Rick Hare & the hamburgs are from a breder near me. $30 per dozen.
These are all excellent birds. As an APA judge I know many of the top breeders in the region & that's who I've gotten stock from. I also select breeders carefull as the eggs I'm selling are from the same matings I'm hatching from.
All prices include postage to the continental US.
PM me if interested & I will maintain a first come-first served list. I do not expect payment until I am ready to ship fresh eggs.

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