Show some pictures of your Araucanas, Ameraucanas or EEs!!!

Olive and Rosy (Brown Leghorn)


White eggs are from my Leghorns. Green eggs are from Olive

The Rooster on the left is my latest addition. Johnny Blue-a-doodle-do. AKA Blue. I adopted him last weekend and my 7 older ladies have been all of a flutter since. He is a Blue Ameraucana from show stock. My girls are Orpingtons, Marans, Spitzhauben, Easter Eggers. He seems happy so far. He actually loves hugs and is very amenable. He's a great addition to our family.
For some reason I was able to post pictures on my little Lg Tribute 2 but my new Samsung Galaxy J7 won't upload says embedding and then just snubs me. I have some cute ameracuanas but darn this new phone...

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